Russia is a very large country that covers vast territories. Russia has many different mountains, which differ from each other. They include: Caucasian mountains, Altay Mountain, Sayans Mountains in Siberia, Sikhote Alin Mountains in the Far East and others. You can find deals o cheap flights to Russia here.
Caucasian mountain system stretches along the northwest coast of the Black Sea. The border between Russia and Georgia goes through the main Caucasian Mountain Ridge. There are two ancient volcanoes in the north, which are Elbrus and Kazbek. Elbrus is the highest peak in Caucasian Mountain system.
For many years the Caucasus has been one of the most popular places for mountain climbers and other sportsmen. Besides many health resorts are situated near these mountains. You can reach many of those resorts via the Volga River. Here is a link to Russia hotel info if you need it.
The oldest mountains of the country are Khibins, which are located in the Kola Peninsula. The rivers here are not very fast, so not dangerous. These mountains can be a very good place for those who like mountains.
The mountains of Southern Siberia can be considered a real mountain county, as there are a lot of mountains there, including Altay Mountains.
The length of the Ural mountain system is more than 2000 km. The highest point there is the Narodnaya Mountain (1895m).
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